Used POS Systems Can Reduce Costs Without Skimping on Quality

When considering a point of sale system purchase, there are times when it's practical to buy a used POS system. The most important question to ask yourself before buying used is: Can a used point of sale system really save me money?
Finding a high-quality used POS system to cut down on expenses is one thing. But buying used could do more harm than good if a used POS can't support the sales volume of your business. To set yourself up for success when buying used, pay attention to POS features and carefully review product descriptions before making a final decision.
Buying a used POS system 101: Price considerations
While pricing plays a critical role in your decision, it shouldn't be the lone factor. Over time, the money you spend on a POS system will provide a greater benefit than any savings you would realize by not having one.
Instead, look for the best system you can get that will fit your company's operational needs. It's not uncommon for a used POS system to fulfill those requirements, but you want to make sure you're buying the right solution to help your bottom line.
And speaking of price… How much is a used POS going to cost you compared to a brand-new system? Used POS system prices will vary greatly, starting as low as $200 for a POS touch screen with a 14 day warranty. A basic used hardware point of sale package that includes a computer, a touch screen LCD monitor, a cash drawer, two thermal receipt printers, a credit card swiper, and software may start at $1700.
In comparison, new POS packages for basic restaurant or retail use may range in price from $1500-$2500; add-on equipment and features will increase price accordingly. More advanced brand-new POS systems could cost up to $20,000.
While the price tag of a POS system will certainly influence your purchase decision, it is important to take into account the quality and functionality of a used POS compared to a brand-new model. Don't be swayed by price alone. A used POS with maintenance and repair needs could cost you more in the long run compared to a brand-new system under warranty.
Buying a used POS system: Concerns and considerations
There are a number of unexpected issues that could arise when buying used. Going into a sale with both eyes open will help you to make the smartest purchase, no matter what type of system you buy.
Consider these potential "pitfalls" before buying a used point of sale system:
- Software support. POS software often requires support, as does most other types of software. When you have questions or difficulties that must be resolved, it's the software support that your business will be consulting. The problem with some used POS systems is that support for the software may no longer exist. To run the system efficiently, you may have to purchase support or even a whole new software program. Carefully weigh what the costs will be - you may find it more cost effective to simply purchase a new system.
- System compatibility. Be sure to find out if all the POS components you are purchasing are compatible with each other, and whether you'll need to buy anything extra for the system to operate. Some companies could be selling the used POS system "as is" meaning that certain components could be missing or need to be replaced. The good news is that individual POS components don't cost much, even though they are necessary to make the system work.
- Customization. The biggest benefit to a POS system is the ability to customize it to your specific needs. When considering a used system, be sure to examine how much customization is possible. Make sure it can benefit your business and would be useful to your entire staff. Don't jump the gun either - if it's not what your company needs, you're better off looking elsewhere. No matter how good a deal you receive, a used POS system without all the desired features is typically a waste of money.
Used POS upgrade and management options
As businesses grow and technology changes, upgrades will need to be made to the system. Be sure that the used systems you're considering offer the ability to upgrade. If a system can't be upgraded, it won't be good for your business. Software like this typically requires upgrades to process data in the most current format.
With all of these considerations in mind, choosing the right used POS system still comes down to the same features that you would look for in a brand-new system. Before you put your money where your mouth is, consider a used system's ease-of-use, customer support capabilities, data security, and reporting features. All of these POS tools will be used regularly to complement and enhance your business; skimping on key features could cost you in the long run.
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