Types of Hot Tubs and Uses Explained
When you buy a hot tub, you are guaranteeing yourself and your guests countless hours of relaxation and fun. From fully landscaped enclosures to glass and synthetic walls, you have several options on the table. Here are the best choices for you to consider.
Round hot tubs
Although round hot tubs have many similarities to their square and rectangular counterparts, there are reasons round model are more beneficial - especially for the hospitality industry.
A round hot tub is beneficial for the hospitality industry because it offers a unique position for soaking. Since round hot tubs don't have any corners to inhibit seating or water motion, jets are more easily accessible for your back, feet, legs, and the rest of your body providing a more comfortable soak. It doesn't matter where you sit, and you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of the tub without moving around trying to find a comfortable position.

Round hot tubs for fitness centers
Round hot tubs are ideal for hydrotherapy. If you've sustained a sports injury or are recovering from any type of muscular malady, a circular hot tub is perfect to soak away the pain. After a long workout or even after physical therapy, a round hot tub is an excellent choice for fitness centers and health clubs of all sizes.
You'll also find that a circular hot tub is excellent for meeting a group of friends or colleagues at the gym. If you decide to soak together after a workout, the round design allows everyone to face each other and facilitates easy conversation.
Many health clubs and physical therapy clinics offer round hot tubs rather than square or rectangular models because they're a better choice. Consider these benefits when recruiting new members as an amenity like a round hot tub could give you the edge over competitors.
Differences between square or rectangular hot tubs
The options for round hot tubs have increased significantly over the last few years. With an increasing demand for circular hot tubs, manufacturers produce more luxurious models, giving you a wide variety of choices before you buy.
For example, a round hot tub provides unique design options. Since patios, rooms, porches, and other areas where you might put a hot tub are rectangular or square, the circular design of your hot tub will be an interesting touch to any area of your home. And with the ability to comfortably seat large groups, you can share your enjoyment with others.
Many round hot tubs come with circular foot domes at the bottom of the spa. Although these are also available in rectangular hot tubs, they're more accessible in round models regardless of where you choose to sit. The jets also create a circular motion through the water which is uninhibited by corners.
Indoor Hot Tubs
The lowest priced indoor hot tubs can be found for well under $1,000, though the more bells and whistles you add, the more the price goes up. Some installations will run well over $10,000, though the most expensive tubs are those that will seat up to 10 people.
One of the most important benefits of having a hot tub indoors is the fact that the whirlpool is not exposed to the outdoor elements. Rain, sun, wind, heat, and cold all contribute to the breakdown of materials in the tub. This also means that you can enjoy your hot tub in any weather, even sub-zero winter months.
Since the indoor tub doesn't have to sit outside in the elements, it will last longer. The expanded lifespan is definitely a good reason to have a tub indoors rather than outside. In addition, an indoor hot tub will also afford you some privacy. You can relax knowing that you can soak in peace without worrying about prying eyes or nosy neighbors.
While the advantages are great, don't forget the disadvantages:
- An indoor tub can be a problem if the room your hot tub is in isn't vented properly. Years of warm, humid air can cause the growth of mold or rotting wood. The room must be vented and the materials used resistant to moisture.
- Think about the room you want to put your indoor hot tub in. It should be able to handle the weight and size of a hot tub. You could be looking at another few thousand dollars just to get the space ready.
- Indoor hot tubs can also be hard to fill and drain. Outdoor tubs can usually be filled with a hose and drained onto the ground. When a hot tub is indoors it may need to be drained into the septic system - a large problem if you live in an area without city sewers. Septic tanks on private properties are not designed to handle the type of chemicals and the amount of water in a hot tub.
If done properly, indoor hot tubs can be a luxury. Before adding a hot tub inside your home, make sure you can handle the construction, the drainage, and everything that comes with adding a large new appliance.
In-ground hot tubs
If you are looking for a hot tub that is easy to enter and exit, opt for an in-ground design. You may need a ladder to enter and exit an above-ground spa, and that can be difficult for people with mobility or balance challenges. You can't get the relaxation benefits of a hot tub if you can't get into the water with ease. When you plan your patio area, take this into consideration.
Many in-ground hot tubs are outfitted with bench seating on a single level inside the spa. This is a more comfortable choice for you and your guests, since everyone will be seated at the same depth.
Portable hot tubs
When it comes to wellness and entertainment systems, many business and home buyers choose portable spas. Buyers can consider either a fixed or portable spa model based on the property where they want to install it and other factors that affect the system's long-term use.
One reason buyers might want to go with portable spa models is that installation can be less permanent and easier than with traditional designs. Industry experts describe a hot tub spa as having a kind of plastic or acrylic shell with frame components underneath made of fiberglass, wood or composite materials. These systems need to be hooked up to water lines and situated on existing "floor space."
Models made for permanence can have much heavier frames, as well as heavier and less flexible hookups, faucets and plumbing fixtures. These can make removal or change difficult. Permanent models may also have different kinds of covers that are less easy to move.
While permanent hot tub spas are intended to remain at locations where they are installed, more portable types may have easier water hookups, additional tools for frame fitting or features such as lighter fixtures that help make it easier to put the spa system in place and move it later.
Portable spa models and dynamic strategies
Businesses that buy hot tub spas or other entertainment systems often benefit from more flexibility. If they have multiple locations, they may want to move these systems around for special occasions. Businesses that like to publicize their operations at public events, for example, may be able to set up portable spas for time frames as short as one or two days, spreading publicity and drawing attention to their brand.
These are just some of the reasons buyers might choose to go with a lighter, more versatile portable hot tub when browsing offers from vendors. Models that allow for re-installation and more versatile setup can help when it's not entirely clear where these amenities will be put into a home or commercial space.
The water temperature in hot tubs allows for year-round outdoor use. Whether inside or out, a hot tub can provide decades of enjoyment when properly maintained and increase the resale value of your home.
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