Portable Construction Site Buildings Have Many Benefits
For those in the construction industry, moving from job to job is a way of life. Home base is wherever the job happens to be this week, this month, or even this year. One major disadvantage of moving operations is the lack of a secure area to use as an on-site office and storage area - not to mention the upset and disorganization that goes along with the resulting shuffle.
Portable construction site buildings provide construction crews an area that is safe to store documents, safety gear, and tools, as well as an office area while on the job. And when the job is complete, these buildings are easily moved to the next site.

Here are some of the primary benefits to these cost-effective temporary structures, and what you can expect to pay for a variety of popular sizes.
Benefits of portable construction site buildings
Although some construction sites will have some type of makeshift building for crews to use, when the job is over, everything must be cleaned out and moved to the next job. But by trucking in your own space, you save both time and expense as you're often able to leave a number of the building's interior arrangements in place.
One of the many benefits of having a portable building is that it provides a secure place for the job supervisor to run operations and for the crew members to report information. This ensures there's one location, even on a temporary job site, that is always familiar to the crew members and contains all the valuables related to the project.
Additional benefits include:
- Shorter construction time - Without having to start from scratch, your profitability increases as the tasks associated with setting up and tearing down your office are removed.
- Reduced site impact - Unlike a "permanent" structure that would have to be torn down and landscaped over at the end of the job, this can simply be picked up and trucked out, leaving far less mess to clean up after the fact.
- Consistency from job to job - By being able to keep the same office setup from job to job, with similar tools, manuals, charts, and other supplies in the same place, there's no reorganization required. You're able to function at your peak with a setup that's your own, no matter where your mobile office has been set down.
- Cost savings - This can actually end up as a selling point on your bill, enticing clients with the fact that they won't have to build a construction site building or give up a section of their facility. Another possible option would be to monetize the purchase and charge a daily "fee" for the inclusion of a pre-built portable construction building on your work sites. You can expect to pay anywhere from $24,000 for a large 40x60x18 model that's designed for agricultural and commercial use, down to $6,400 for similar 30x40x15 models, and as low as $2,200 for a portable building that measures 14x36x12.
- Flexibility - Durable, secure, and easily moved from one place to another, portable buildings are built to withstand the demands of the construction industry and feature a level of quality that enables them to easily be used for both temporary and permanent installations.
- Warranties - Depending on the type, model, and vendor you select, expect anywhere from a 90-day limited warranty to a lifetime structural warranty.
Help with regulations
OSHA has many regulations that must be adhered to in the construction industry. Construction companies may be required to provide wash areas, toilets, and even showers, depending on the job. Complying with mandatory posting of labor law posters also becomes easier with a mobile site building. Portable buildings can often be equipped to meet certain OSHA regulations that are needed on the job. If a crew member is injured or needs a secure place to go, construction site buildings can offer shelter and safety. First aid can be performed or an employee can get out of severe weather when needed.
Investing in portable construction site buildings can save time and money and improve safety for a construction company and its crew. It provides consistent structures that can be used for years and moved wherever the next job takes them. This makes them a wise choice, both logistically and financially.
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