Office Partition and Cubicle Considerations
Partitions serve to separate cubicles or a cubicle and other parts of the office. A partition can divide different teams in a workplace, or simply block off a library or computer center from the rest of the office. Partitions also determine the privacy of each work station. If you want to increase interplay between employees, opt for low partitions or none at all.
Some key decisions about partitions include:
- What materials to use: Do you want glass, plastic, wood, cloth, or something soundproof?
- The height of the walls: When employees look for a coworker, should they be able to see over the partition?
- The degree of transparency: High levels are attractive, but the extra light can be distracting.
Partitions can add light, stylish design, and an extremely open feel to your workplace. Cubicles with lower partitions are more inviting and ideal for collaboration. Higher dividers between employees might be in your interest if collaborative efforts are not important to employees.
New or used office partitions

While new office partitions and cubicles are surprisingly expensive, a truly remanufactured office partition is indistinguishable from a new model. It's an excellent way to save money without sacrificing quality: more than half of the systems furniture market is for remanufactured partitions.
As part of the remanufacturing process, used office partitions, cubicles, and accessories are completely taken apart and inspected. Metal parts are sanded and painted or powder coated. Fabric is completely replaced and missing parts are supplied. Parts such as pedestals and shelves are often installed brand-new. These remanufactured office partitions are then sold to small and mid-sized companies for as little as half their original cost.
Buying a remanufactured office partition isn't like buying a used car - you don't have to choose from what's on the lot. Just like buying new, you'll be able to pick a brand and model of partition and select the fabrics and colors you like. In some cases you'll actually have more choices of fabric and finishes than you would buy new.
Surprisingly, a remanufactured office partition often comes with the same warranty it had when it was new - even a lifetime warranty, in some cases. Custom remanufacturing jobs like this can often be turned around more quickly than new orders, and cost on average 30% to 50% less than similar new systems. Unless you're buying large lots - around 1,000 cubes or more - remanufactured partitions offer the best combination of quality and price.
Everybody knows the word "cubicle," but rarely thinks about the definition of the term: Technically, the cubicle is the bit of work space allotted to each employee in an office. Like a cube, these spaces are usually defined by right angles, in the form of a square or rectangle. Within this space, an employee's computer, desk and personal belongings are contained. Cubicles can vary greatly in size, materials used, and level of transparency.
The best way to choose an cubicle dealer is to interview at least four or five different potential suppliers. If possible, meet them in person to review colors, fabrics, and accessories. Most suppliers will want to visit your location to measure the available space you have to work with and recommend a layout that meets your needs.
Some key decisions on cubicles for business owners and managers include:
- How many cubicles should be part of a single group
- The ratio between cubicles and open space
- Which employees sit in each section of the cubicle's grid
The latest innovations in industrial design involve alternate visions for cubicles. In some cases, designers recommend doing away with corner offices and putting everyone in the grid. Before you decide the layout for your office cubicles, explore the different techniques.
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