Tennant Scrubbes and Sweepers - Rider

Clean large spaces in less time with Tennant's battery-powered rider scrubbers, sweepers, and scrubber-sweepers. Increase productivity and operator comfort with a rider for your facility. To reduce chemical and water use, choose a riding scrubber with ec-H2O™ chemical-free cleaning technology or FaST® foam activated scrubbing technology.

This battery-powered micro-rider floor scrubber makes scrubbing large and small floor areas easy. Available with ec-H2O™ or FaST® scrubbing technologies.

This compact battery powered rider scrubber has the power of a heavy-duty rider scrubber and the maneuverability of a compact footprint. Available with ec-H2O™ or FaST® scrubbing technologies.
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This battery powered rider scrubber can help reduce your cost of ownership with quality machine body construction and innovative technologies. Available with ec-H2O™ or FaST® scrubbing technologies.

This battery powered rider scrubber-sweeper cleans harsh industrial environments in just a single pass. Available with ec-H2O™ or FaST® scrubbing technologies.

This compact mid-sized rider floor sweeper is a heavy duty machine that maneuvers easily in tight spaces with the sweeping performance of a mid-size sweeper.
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