Guarantee Quality Cleaning Service for Your Business with CIMS
Many businesses just consider their cleaning service to be another item on their expense reports, and hire the cheapest cleaners they can find. But high-quality cleaning remains important, not only to the health of customers and employees, but also to your brand and business image. Companies should do a little homework regarding cleaning company qualifications - and this is when the Cleaning Industry Management Standard, or CIMS, can help you make the right decision.
What Is the Standard?

The Cleaning Industry Management Standard is a collection of best practices covering all aspects of the industry. The standard is monitored and occasionally updated by ISSA, an international association for the cleaning industry. ISSA created CIMS to help cleaning companies identify the most effective methods and make it easy to meet a variety of associated government or industry regulations. Organizations that meet the standard must meet a number of mandatory requirements, as well as additional "recommended" elements. A third-party assessor reviews the applicant's systems on-site, and also looks over a selection of customer accounts to make sure the cleaning business is up to snuff.
What Does the Standard Require?
The standard is divided into six different parts: quality systems; service delivery; human resources; health, safety, and environmental stewardship; management commitment; and green building. Some of these pertain to internal management, but most affect the products that companies use and the way they clean. The green building standard is particularly important, because it helps Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) businesses and buildings meet the qualifications for government support. Each area, however, has its own elements that companies must meet to qualify for certification.
The standard is full of details - key facets are available through an ISSA self-assessment test - but most make sure that all cleaners follow the same guidelines and that each cleaning company is financially responsible and environmentally safe. Proper labeling, controlled exposure to certain chemicals, and making sure specific customer requirements are met all feature prominently.
How Do I Know if a Cleaner Follows the Standard?
Standard certification is only available through ISSA, and requires full audits of a cleaning company's facilities and practices, along with several thousand dollars in fees. The result is a clear certification process that makes it very easy for customers to check the status of their current cleaning services. The certification must be renewed every two years, so it is also easy to know if your cleaner's certification is up to date. You can ask your cleaning company for evidence of current certification or contact ISSA directly.
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