The 20 Best Business Finance Blogs
As the leading online marketplace for B2B purchasing, BuyerZone wants to help small businesses become smarter buyers. One of the keys to being a smarter business buyer is staying on top of financial issues - and these blogs can help!
Here, we've highlighted 20 of the best business finance blogs that help business owners and professionals. We're looking for blogs that speak to business professionals on array of finance topics, providing valuable budgeting advice, pricing tips, and financing expertise.
#1: Wise Bread
Blog founders Will, Lynn, and Greg started Wise Bread with the hopes to provide quality content on finance topics for professionals, including: shopping tips, financial advice, career and money-making ideas. The writers at Wise Bread consist of financial consultants, journalists and career counselors, ensuring that readers get expert advice in each blog post.
Wise Bread is a community blog dedicated to helping folks live large on a small budget. We started Wise Bread to show people ways to enjoy life without wrecking their finances. You don't have to stop buying expensive things -- but let us show you where you can get the identical items at 50% off.
#2: Vendavo Blog
The Vendavo Blog understands that B2B price management and price optimization plays a big role in increasing overall profit. As a result, their writers cover common B2B pricing issues, such as: channel pricing, pricing software, pricing initiatives, and more. They hope their blog educates visitors with the information they need to improve profit.
“”We share our thoughts on how you can apply best practices in pricing analytics, price administration, price optimization and deal execution to improve profits.
#3: CoolChecks.Net Blog
The Coolchecks.net blog provides readers with content that can help improve their financial status so they can eventually live out their business dreams. Blog owner Sherry Tingley also adds that the blog was designed to help individuals and small business owners improve their business strategies.
Many interesting stories about successful entrepreneurs are told to help inspire people to start a business and follow through with their own business plans. In 2008, when the economy started to crash, thousands of people lost their jobs. Being self-sufficient seemed even more necessary since that time. Hopefully blog readers will realize that they can improve their own financial positions and possibly start a business of their own.
#4: Office Supply Geek
Business budgeting isn't just about focusing on the big financial aspects of your company. When looking ahead, it should also focus on the little things like what office supplies your employees need to work, and how to save on purchasing those office supplies. With this in mind, Brian Greene launched the office supply product review blog, OfficeSupplyGeek.com.
“”The blog seeks out and reviews the newest, best, most unique, and high end personal use office supplies that stand out in a world of commoditized products. Most of the office supplies you will find on this site will make you wonder how you ever got by relying on those no-frills products that you find in your office supply cabinet at work.
#5: DollarVersity
DollarVersity is packed with expert information on taxes, entrepreneurship, credit, debt management and other business-finance topics. What makes this blog especially unique is that readers are getting tons of helpful information delivered in a bit of a "rebellious" tone. Blog founder Eric Nisall wanted to create a blog with a "voice standing out from the crowd."
I started DollarVersity because I was tired of reading personal finance and small business blogs that imparted little personality while being very technical and statistically-oriented. Plus, there wasn't really a resource that gave both individuals and entrepreneurs advice. When people tell me that they get a lot from the articles and find it easy to relate to, or just got a laugh from some of the sarcastic aspects, that reminds me why I do this.
#6: The Extra Money Blog
This blog was started as a way to build a community where people can share their knowledge and then eventually achieve their individual financial and entrepreneurial objectives. Post topics include small business finance, capital market investing, financial development and more.
“”The Extra Money Blog discusses expedited wealth building through solid personal finance, entrepreneurship and internet marketing. The blog was started in 2010 and already has well over 5,000 readers, both businesses and professionals who are interested in its core and interrelated pillars of savvy financial education, entrepreneurship and passive income. The blog discusses both theory as well as realistic, practical, useful and actionable steps readers can immediately implement and realize results from.
#7: Jean Chatzky Blog
Jean Chatzky is a well-known financial journalist, author and motivational speaker. Currently the financial editor for NBC's Today Show, Jean offers a lot of great advice in her blog, relating to: budgeting, credit, debt, investing and more.
You need to earn a decent living: You need to spend less than you make: You need to save, then invest: You need to protect the financial world you've built for yourself: You need to give back in a way that is meaningful to you.
#8: Markup and Profit Blog
This blog is unique from the rest because it specifically focuses on construction-related business issues. Michael Stone and his team have helped thousands of general contractors, new home builders and remodelers build more profitable businesses. Popular post topics include: money saving tips and steps to positive cash flow.
“”We help construction-related business owners become more profitable by working on all aspects of their business. We talk about problem clients, production and employee issues, getting paid for your work, writing detailed contracts, and selling jobs at a fair price. Many of our blog posts begin with phone calls or emails that come into our office from contractors, and are based on real-life experiences.
#9: Calculated Risk
Blog founder Bill McBride created a fantastic economics and finance blog in Calculated Risk. He uses his background in management, finance and economics to write blog posts that cover what's going on in the economy. What makes Bill's posts especially helpful is that he provides graphs and charts that help depict the financial points he is trying to make.
#10: FINTEL Blog
FINTEL has been helping professionals for years by providing data services and business intelligence solutions that help their clients make the right financial decisions. Their blog is a continuation of that. Popular post topics include: business planning, industry analysis and the economy.
“”In today's economy - survival requires better knowledge and efficiency. At FINTEL, we provide tools to help solve the financial intelligence piece of the puzzle. With our Blogs, we take a more comprehensive approach, covering a wide range of topics relevant to Business Owners, Business Coaches, CPAs and anyone interested in learning, applying, and contributing to enhanced business practices.
#11: SohoOS Blog
SoHoOs blog strives to empower small businesses with resourceful information that stimulates businesses and ultimately increase their growth. Each blog post is unique in that it provides helpful financial and budgeting tips, in conjunction with fascinating info graphics. Popular blog posts include how businesses waste money, why startups fail, and the cost of starting a small business in the US and abroad.
“”SohoOS blog focus on offering micro businesses all information & tips needed in today's small businesses arena.
#12: Yellowstone Capital Blog
This small business blog has a focus on business financing. The blog writers understand that not all businesses start out eligible for certain financial situations. As a result, the writers hope to educate visitors on how professionals can get there. Blog topics include finance, economy, cash advances, and more.
“”This blog's primary focus is on helping existing business owners learn the ropes and give them the resources they need to be successful in their industry.
#13: I Will Teach You To Be Rich
"This blog's primary focus is on helping existing business owners learn the ropes and give them the resources they need to be successful in their industry." - Yellowstone Capital Blog.
Getting started is more important than being the smartest person in the room. It's ok to make mistakes. Read a lot so you know when to call BS, but not too much-action is more important than reading. Ordinary actions get ordinary results.
#14: Big Fat Finance Blog
Business Finance gives finance executives insight into current finance issues, trends, topics and more. Their blog does exactly the same, with their expert writers' perspectives added in. Each post is in-depth, full of helpful tips and ideas, and well-thought out.
“”The Big Fat Finance Blog is intended to arm finance professionals with innovative ideas and best practices that help finance organizations create value.
#15: Erica.Biz Blog
How many people do you know that made their first million when they were only 26 years old? Well, meet Erica Douglass, the blog owner at Erica.Biz. Erica uses her own experience to create a blog that delivers finance tips, entrepreneurial advice and credit card information so your business improves financially, as well as overall.
After selling my online business at age 26 for $1,100,000.00, I created this blog to help you grow your own business quickly.
Honorable Mentions
The following award recipients are sites and blogs that are not entirely focused on business finance. However, each site has an in-depth finance section that deserves recognition.
#16: Money Crashers
“”Our mission is to develop a community of people who try to make financially sound decisions. The website strives to educate individuals in making wise choices about credit and debt, investing, education, real estate, insurance, spending, and more.
#17: MoreBusiness.com
“”MoreBusiness.com is an award-winning, one-stop resource website for entrepreneurs. Created in 1994, MoreBusiness.com is filled with sample business plans, marketing plans, templates, sample contracts and business agreements to help entrepreneurs start and grow a small business.
#18: AllBusiness.com
“”From accounting and budgeting to business credit and taxes, put your business on a solid financial footing — and keep it there.
#19: Entrepreneur.com
“”Entrepreneur magazine seeks to inspire, inform and celebrate entrepreneurs. We offer real solutions to the challenges you face as an entrepreneur, including tips, tools and insider news to help build—and grow—your business.
#20: Bloomberg Business Week
“”Accounting and finance play a huge role in every business. Without the proper accounting practices, a business cannot truly understand the financial position of the company and how to position it for the future.